Cabin Fever Open
Saturday, March 14 – 9 AM Shotgun $260 Per Team Scramble Format
There is NO refund for less than 4 players.
Includes greens fees with carts, chance at prizes, lunch and gift pack.
Coffee and doughnuts prior to tee off.
Convenient on-line EVENT PAYMENTS here
with safe, secure credit card processing through PayPal.
Your financial information is not shared with us or anyone else.
Credit Card Payer will be charged the full team fee of $260.
Payment will be refunded for cancellations 48 hours or more in advance, or unplayable weather.
The definition of “unplayable” is at the discretion of Butter Valley’s staff.
Register Today
Payment is due with registration.
You may register in person if you wish to pay via check or cash.
Note: Checks will be processed the day before the event.
There will be no cash refunds for less than four players.
(Tee times or starting hole will be assigned according to the date payment is received.)